
Showing posts from May, 2021

Don & Doff

  As the masks come off, the lines on our faces are not blurry. But our eyes are. Words do not exist that can describe the other side of the hospital door.  As you don, you don the hopes and prayers of thousands of people- the patients you are about to tend to, their mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, children, grandchildren, best friends…but also your own loved ones, and the fear they have for your safety.  As you don hospital gowns and makeshift PPE, you don an extremely heavy weight on your shoulders- Because textbooks and research papers taught us the theory of how to heal, but not for an enemy this unknown.  You don your own prayers too.  There are good days-in fact, best days.  You’ve done your part, and the Universe has done its. There is no unnecessary suffering and your Ward has sunshine and Life in it-  A 23-year-old watches Netflix, 45-year-old Uncle plays Kishore Kumar songs that echo from one side of the floor to the other.  No one seems to mind the lack of his earphones