
Showing posts from May, 2016

Panic Room

panic room //  a secret room in a house or other building that is designed to be invulnerable to attack or intrusion. (A/N- My first blog post in months, and all for very good reason. Boards, Entrance Exams (or their lack thereof- I'm a Medical Aspirant, you see), turning 18 and dealing with the fact that the most constant thing in your life, (apart from family and friends- with degrees of variability in the latter/former as well) is coming to an end-  SCHOOL . I could go on about the hundred things that changed my life in the last few months and the emotional turmoil that one goes through when change happens; but in the end the only thing that matters is what kept me from writing about them. What kept me from turning to my safe-house.) All my life, I've turned to words when I experienced grief, anxiety, anger, love and happiness. Words have always been the light that guides me home. Home to me. Home to the part of me that isn't lost. And