You against The World.

I could think that the sky is purple. People have blue hair, orange hands and feet. It rains tacos. All the trees are red due to excess of r-phycoerythrin. Our blood is blue and penguins run the government.

Would I tell you these thoughts? Maybe. Perhaps you would laugh. And say. 'Damn, did you stop being sensible or something. Haha that's so funny.' But perhaps, it makes perfect sense to me.
We all think thoughts we don't say. For fear of being looked at as different or weird. We all do things that everyone else does. For pretty much the same reasons. We follow trends. We have our preferred self identities. How real are these identities? Are they really us? Why do we care so much about what people think, when they aren't supposed to matter. Let's take this, a step at a time. Lets go on a journey to find ourself a new motto to live by- that it's just us, only us- against the universe.

Bewildering diversities of thoughts and lives,
Yet the common man strives.
To get through the day, and get some sleep at night,
Everyone else is doing it. So You guess it's right.

We are all the same molecules, same
organs, same brains.
Then why should you try to stand out in vain.
Let's fit in, we are remarkably similar.
Why think different when we come down to the same matter?

Why stand out when You can fit in?
Why be yourself? Isn't that a sin?
Why make your voice heard over the seas of the crowds?
Why let your thoughts soar, high above the clouds?

But- It's you against the world, it's you against them all.
You, are a Goliath. Stop feeling so small.
Perhaps you've been mistaken, perhaps have we all.
We dig our own graves, instead of standing tall.

Every lonely night, there's no one else but truth.
So be a little crazy, be the real you.
Life is beautiful, you seem to have no clue.
This journey to the rainbows is you, just you.

For in the end, it's you against the world, and Him.
You say goodbye to this temporary home, as lights get dim.
Incandescent purity. God's in white.
He embraces your dark, and your light.
If he can, so can you.

No one else matters. You. Matter.
Stop fitting in. Start standing out. Extraordinary people didn't fit in. They broke the rules. They didn't care what people thought. For they realised what the true purpose of life is all along. And what their final destination is going to be. We are all books waiting to be written. But these books aren't. You know why? Because we are so busy trying to be 'normal', that we don't think crazy. And as Steve Jobs once said, those who think they're crazy enough to change the world are the ones that actually do. Those are the books that get written. Those are people who didn't apologise for their true self. For they knew, that in the end-it's going to be just them and their creator.

I like me. I believe in me. I believe in
my beliefs. And thoughts. And it doesn't matter who believes in them too as long as I believe in them as strongly as I possibly can. I try to stay stay away from stereotypes. I try to be the truest version of me. And for those who know me well, they would agree. Believe me, it makes life a lot easier.

Bubbles of love and happiness, 


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