
Showing posts from November, 2014

The Fifth Dimension.

In Les Miserables, when Marius and Cosette confess their love to each other, here’s how it plays out. Marius- Cosette, I don’t know what to say. Cosette- Then make no sound. Marius- I am lost. Cosette- I am found. When you love, you either lose yourself or you become the truest version of yourself. Does that make love the best or the worst thing we do? Somehow unbelievably and inexplicably, could it be both? Love is the best of the worst. For who fixes broken people? Is it not other broken people, ones who've already been ruined? It was the messiness and hurt in our pasts that drove us, and that same hurt connected us at a sub-dermal level, the kind of scars written so deeply in your cells that you can't even see them anymore, only recognize them in someone else. If that’s not love, I don’t know what is. So yes, love may take the shadows of our souls hostage, but in that lies our freedom. Harry Potter taught us that love was greater than any spell and that it can defy all evi